Minutes of the Meeting of the OPPG Oundle, at 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Present: Lita Gray (LG) - Spokesperson, Heather Murdoch,(HM) Gill Grant(GG) - Minute Taker, Jean Clark (JC)

  1. LG and JC feedback that they had met with Carol Beesley, the Practice Manager on 10 August 2021 for a Q&A session. The meeting was very positive. CB had completed most of the questions in the answer column in advance of the meeting and the remaining questions Carol could not answer during the meeting will be followed up by LG in a week’s time. Once LG has received all the responses the information will be placed on the Practice website.

  2. LG and JC further discussed a specific patient’s concerns with Carol at the Q&A session. Carol advised that the issue had been dealt with direct with the patient and the conclusion was satisfactory. It was agreed that JC will send a follow up email to the patient from the PPG to gauge satisfaction.

  3. The Confidentiality Agreement for new OPL was discussed. JC to draft a new OPL Confidentiality Agreement for approval from the Oundle Medical Practice and GG to forward to all existing/new members to sign and ensure returned to the OPL. It was agreed that the original records will be kept at the Practice with copies kept by the PPG.

  4. LG wrote to Mike Richardson as Chairman of Oundle Lakeside Medical Practice to advise him of the PPG’s new structure and advise of the current members. MR responded positively and supported the newly named OPL and the restructure. LG invited MR to attend a PPG meeting in the next few weeks once the restructured OPL was established.

  5. Feedback from the existing OPPG members has been very positive about the new OPL Terms of Reference forwarded to them for comments/suggestions. The Terms of Reference will be forwarded to all members when agreed amendments are finalized.

Note: Addendum to the Agenda. It was duly noted that the Practice had added a comment on their Facebook Page stating how many patients had been vaccinated against Covid19. It was much appreciated by the PPG that this information as disseminated.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 1.30 p.m.