PPG Meeting Minutes 7th September 2023


Attendees: Jessica Bawden CEO, Mandy Black Area Manager, Dr Lijesen, Kirsty Knight Patients Service Manager, Gill Grant, PPG Heather Murdoch PPG

Apologies: Morag Horsnail

Introduction from GIll Grant and welcome

GG has approached Prince William School’s head of 6th form Joanne Bennett , inviting pupils who are patients at the Oundle Surgery and studying medicine to join the Patients Participation Group.  Joanne was very interested in one or two pupils to join .

GG talked about the patients concerns received by the PPG.  HH read out the patients concerns via the new PPG suggestion box.  These were discussed and actions noted

A discussion from the attendees included

  1. Where patients now go for blood tests
  2. Out of hours direction for patients
  3. How patients obtain their test results
  4. Receptionist new title of Patients Service Advisors . Triage at point of contact
  5. On going training for Patients Service Advisors ie care navigator
  6. Patient Service Advisors use of the RED FLAG system

It was agreed , more communication to enhance patients understanding of the pathways available to them to see the appropriate person to help with their concerns or ailments & information to create understanding needs to be enhanced and promoted

Dr Lijesen welcomed a new GP partner into the practice

Conclusion .  More information needed to be given to patients for their appropriate care and patients pathways.  It was agreed a Patients Participation notice board to be place in the Surgery.  All patients will be welcome to join the group

The next PPG meeting will be held at the Surgery on the 9 November at 11 am