PPG Meeting Minutes 7th December 2023


Attendees:  Gill Grant (chairperson) Heather Murdock (Minutes) Morag Horsnail, Elizebeth Davey Invited quests representing Lakeside Oundle Practice:  Dr Brennan, Junior Training Doctor Simpson, Amanda Black Area Manager, Kirsty Knight Practice Patients Service Manager .

Introduction from GIll Grant and welcome

New confidentiality forms were handed out to the PPG members on request a copy was given to them

  1. The PPG raised concerns of Oundle patients regarding availability for blood tests at the Practice.  It was explained that if there were to be more facilities for more blood tests this would compromise some other service at the Practice due to the Practice’s budget.
  2. The Practice is going to have a community Nurse.
  3. The reception staff do not have medical training, however the Practice provides signpost training.
  4. There will be another Patient Survey in 2024
  5. It was explained that legally the Practice must have a complaint system and this is available to all Patients.
  6. A request was made by the PPG for an answer phone system so that patients can cancel appointments by phone out of hours and when phone lines are busy.  The PPG was told this would depend on the Practice’s budget.
  7. All  suggestion from patients suggestion box were read out to the Practice staff present. by HM
  8. The Practice has met with the Oundle Pharmacy to try and improve services between them.
  9. The next Flu clinic will be held on the 14 and 28 September 2024.  The Practice would appreciate if the PPG can be present.  The PPG would take this opportunity to raise awareness of the PPG but did not feel it appropriate to bake cakes or fundraise. The PPG suggested a table with fliers and information to be manned by members.  It was suggested if a room could be made available at the Practice for future meetings of the PPG this was agreed subject to availability.
  10. The PPG thanked Lakeside for providing a notice board , but the position of the board is between the two entrance doors so very easily missed .  A request was made by the PPG to place the notice board within the public areas of the Surgery where it will be more readily seen by patients.  Kirsty agreed to look into this.
  11. It was confirmed that the Practitioner who asks for tests for the patient is responsible for the follow up to inform Patients of results.
  12. It was also confirmed that all Oundle Patients can choose where to go for treatment
  13. Confirmation by the Practice that Carers can sign up to obtain information regarding support services.

The next PPG meeting will be at the Practice on the 7 March 2024 at 5 30 to 7 30 pm