PPG Meeting Minutes 22nd May 2023



Kirsty Knight Patient Service Manager, Mandy Black Area Manager for Northamptonshire, Heather Murdock, Gillian Grant


Dr Newell  came into the meeting to thank the PPG for all the work the members have done for the Surgery .  We wished her well for her retirement and thanked her for the support she has given us over the years

At the meeting discussions took place to possible increase members with a series of recruitment tasks .  The Practice suggested a more diverse PPG .  Gill to contact Prince William School sixth form to see if there are any pupils considering applying to Medical School who would be interested in joining.

Gill and Heather asked if the PPG could submit articles to the Practice online Newsletter and Facebook Page.  This was agreed by Kirsty and Mandy.

Lakeside Healthcare are currently looking at ways to improve the access to the surgery, this includes looking at clinical triage at point of contact and changes to the way patients with long term conditions are reviewed

Many patients are still voicing concerns over the Practice not contacting them over test results , the word Abnormal sometimes worries patients and it was agreed more and clearer communications to patients is needed .

The PPG asked if further meetings with the Practice could include a GP when possible .

The Practice is placing a PPG patients suggestion box in the surgery

The description of  Oundle Patient Participation Group to be discontinued as it is no longer relevant to the new PPG .

The meeting closed at 3 20 pm