PPG Meeting Minutes 9th December 2022

Held at the Lakeside Oundle Surgery at 2pm



Heather Murdock, Fredi Hart,  Sheila Homer, Martha Shaw, Celia Flory



Gill Grant, Liz Anderson, Morag Horsnail, and Sue Dow

  • All those present introduced themselves to the new Patients Service Manager Manish Patel
  • Manish introduced himself and proceeded with the Practice Report as follows
  • At present the Practice has four doctors , comprising of three Partners, one salaried Doctor plus a Registrar, and two locums .  Doctors are working roughly three days a week with extra hours to catch up with all their admin. There is always a duty doctor on call each day. There is a shortage of staff so it is being considered to advertise staff vacancies on the Lakeside Corby site. A new Pharmacist has been appointed and is working four times a week. Another Pharmacist is working one day a week. The Surgery has approximately 10 to 11 thousand patients. Every fourth Wednesday afternoon the surgery is closed for protective learning time and to discuss issues outstanding . Every Patient has a named GP but can request to be seen by another doctor if required.The Surgery would prefer concerns/complaints to be taken up with the Surgery rather than on social media.

Concerns raised by members of the Committee

  • Inability to book an appointment causes frustration to some patients
  • Shortage of medication is a concern possible an exclamation from the Pharmacist.
  • Manish explained Partners are contracted to certain suppliers but it is possible alternative brands could be given
  • Manish suggested monthly meetings with the PPG
  • The new terms of reference and pre circulated questions would be forward to the Practice

Meeting ended at 2.50pm

Date of the next meeting to be decided shortly