MSK & Physiotherapy Referrals

Physiotherapy self-referral is now available across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.


Since 2001 Physio Advice Line  (previously Physio Direct) has been offered to patients in Huntingdon, Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire. Nationally this was one of the first NHS Physiotherapy services to offer this direct access into the service with no GP referral needed. 

This well established service has successfully assessed and supported thousands of people over the telephone with 55% not requiring a face to face appointment at all. This direct and faster access to an experienced physiotherapist enables people to receive early support and intervention therefore reducing the likelihood of the condition becoming worse, which can often affect people’s ability to work and increased risk of entering into a cycle of restricted movement and pain.  

Physio Self Referral Form

If you need support self-referring for physiotherapy, please call 0300 555 0123 and their administrators will be able to help.

For further information on this service please visit  EOE MSK Service